On Fire | Finishing Well

In this sermon titled “Finishing Well,” Pastor Bob reflects on the idea of living in such a way that we end well. He discusses the importance of reflecting on our journey with God, being in community with others, praying big prayers, and making it a goal to be like Jesus. We’re encouraged to keep their […]

On Fire | When God Says ‘That’s Enough’

In this sermon from the “On Fire” series, Pastor Bob discusses the balance between God’s justice and mercy, using the story of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel from 1 Kings 21. The passage highlights that sin is a big deal to God, His patience can come to an end, and He keeps His promises while […]

On Fire | The Difference a Day Makes

This week Pastor Don explores the story of Elijah and how one day can make a significant difference in our lives. We learn about the challenges and struggles that Elijah faced, and how God met him in unexpected places with love and care. We’re reminded that even in our despair, we can find hope and […]

On Fire | When the Fire Fell

This week Pastor Bob explores the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel, emphasizing the challenge of idols and the call to fully follow the Lord. The sermon highlights the importance of learning from pain, stepping out with God in faith, and getting rid of anything that hinders God’s work in our lives.

On Fire | Staying With God Through Dire Circumstances

This week, Pastor Brett explores the story of Elijah the prophet and how he obeyed God’s direction even in the midst of dire circumstances. He emphasizes the importance of faith in God’s promises and His provision, even in times of scarcity and difficulty.

On Fire | Part 1

In week 1 of our “On Fire” series Pastor Bob explores how to set one’s life ablaze and discusses the story of Elijah. The sermon emphasizes the strengthening, sustaining, surprising, and shielding work of God during confusing times to set our lives on fire.