Vision of Rooted

Our vision for Rooted is that it is a place for authentic community, growing discipleship. and life change for those who are part of our church.

What is Rooted?

Rooted is a 10 week, group based, Study on the foundations of what we believe. This is Step 1 for everyone wanting to get involved at Church of the Open Door, and will provide great teaching, along with the opportunity to experience what deep, biblical, community can feel like in the church.

How Do I Join?

We run three Rooted launches a year. One in January, April, and September. This allows us to have not only the individual groups, but a larger collective to go through this with. Click the button below and we will add you to the list for the next launch!


Rooted runs 10-12 weeks depending on the groups schedule and plan. You will join us for a launch event at your campus, then meet with your group for 10-11 weeks, and end with a Rooted Celebration event.

Each meting runs 1.5-2 hours a week, and we ask that you miss no more than 2 weeks over the course of your Rooted Group. More details are covered in your first meeting with your group.
The cost is $20 for the purchase of your Rooted book. All other expenses are covered!
No! Rooted does a great job of meeting everyone, right where they are. Whether you’ve been attending church for a long time, or just joined us last week, there will be opportunities for you to learn and grow. This is a safe place to learn and ask questions.
Sure, if you have people you would like to go through this with, simply let us know! We will look to have a leader assigned to your group, or, if it’s just a couple of you, find a group for you both to join.
We do have childcare available to certain groups, and this will be listed when you go to sign up. Some groups leverage our Wednesday programming, while others have other childcare arrangements.
One of the hopes is that your Rooted group will continue to meet, even after Rooted is done! We hope you develop a strong connection with those in your group, and continuing with them would be a great step to take!

Following the Rooted Celebration we will also share other group opportunities that we have here at COD to ensure that you can continue to find connection with others at COD.